Synchronous Display of Management Information and Real-Time System Data with Network Environment 网络环境下实时、管理信息的同步显示
The Display and Management System of Quality Information of Bar Rolling 棒材轧制质量信息的显示与管理系统
Research on multi-graph display and multi-layer management in power system software 电力系统软件中的多图显示及分层管理问题研究
Some technology problems, such as online running state monitoring of Generator-Transformer Units and graphics display of remote client, are necessary to remote management of Generator-Transformer units fault recording and inspecting system based on Web. 采用Web技术实现发变组监录系统的远程管理,需要解决机组的实时数据上网和客户端图形动态显示等问题。
Computer Display and Management System for Planting Map of Zhongshan Botanical Garden 中山植物园植物定植图微机显示与管理系统
Realization on Data Communication for Wide-Screen Display and Its Management System 大屏幕显示及管理系统数据通讯的实现
In this paper, the writer introduces the functions of Gansu power system database, such as statistics, plot display, calculation and interface programs. The application of database standard management in Gansu power system is also presented. 介绍甘肃电网数据库的功能,如统计、图形显示、计算以及接口程序等功能,阐述甘肃电网系统参数规范化管理在电力系统计算中的应用。
A development process model of CAD application software has been put forward in this paper based on the general display management of support base structures, features and standard components, and the user interface management system the of the model. 介绍CAD应用软件的开发过程模型,基于该模型的支持库结构,特征或标准件的通用显示管理,以及用户界面管理系统。
It will exercise complete, unified and scientific management of Chinese copper resources, display a positive role in the management of copper mine resources and provide reference for the establishment of information system of other ores in China. 对中国铜矿资源进行全面、统一、科学地管理,将会在铜矿资源管理工作中发挥积极作用,并会对中国其它矿种的信息系统的建立提供借鉴。
Thirdly, we analyzed the development method of software system based on COM component. Finally, we developed the information display component, data copy component and information query component for the tools and measures management system. 在对基于COM组件的软件系统开发方法分析基础上,以信息显示组件、数据录入组件和信息查询统计组件为例,讲述了组件接口的设计,并在刀量具资源信息管理系统中得到了应用。
It is an important task how to display information and provide a convenient and audio-visual way of inquiring information in developing the management information system ( MIS). 在管理信息系统(MIS)的开发中,如何显示信息和提供方便直观的信息查询方式是一项重要的任务。
Development of GIS based Shantou building map database and its display management system 基于GIS的汕头市房屋数据库图库及其显示管理系统的研制
This paper discussed the method of realizing synchronous display of management information and real-time system data with network environment and visual program. 讨论利用网络环境及可视化编程手段,提出实现管理信息和实时数据同步显示的方法。
GIS has display function, spatial analyse, management and aid of decision. The Automatic Vehicle Location System ( AVL) has used most high technologies, such as GPS technology, GIS technology, wireless communication technology and computer technology etc. 自动车辆定位(AVL)系统是GPS技术、GIS技术、无线通信技术、计算机技术等高新技术的集成应用。
The function of high-speed data acquisition as well as the real time display and data management are realized in the system. 该系统实现了数据高速采集、实时显示以及数据管理功能。
In this paper, the method and technology of implementing UCDOS speCial display function by FOXBASE Data Base Management System is introduced, and the level of user interface design is raised. 本文介绍了用FOXBASE+数据库管理系统实现UCDOS特显功能的方法和技术,提高了用户界面设计的水平。
Subject to the need of real time, the dynamic graphic simulation for Control Display Unit ( CDU) in flight management system has been realized. 在满足实时性要求前提下,实现了飞行管理系统中控制显示组块(CDU)的动态图形仿真。
The real-time control and display unit ( CDU) simulation system of flight management system ( FMS) is set up based on VAPS. 基于VAPS建立了飞行管理系统控制显示组件(CDU)实时仿真系统。
Display management and optimization of 2D CAD system 二维CAD系统的显示管理与优化
The setting of parameters, working state display and errors information management are provided in the simulation system. 该系统由1个主控系统和多个子系统构成,具有主系统参数设定、子系统参数设定、系统工作状态显示和错误信息管理等功能。
In the database design, the farming GIS display of data management, analysis and result is integrated when farming spatial-data, attribute-data and expert system are introduced. 在数据库的设计中,把农田空间数据、属性数据、分析模型和专家系统有机地结合在一起,使数据的管理、分析和结果的显示一体化。
The electronic measurement system for wheelsets is applying electronic data display measurement technology and computer management to the wheelset measurement. The application of the system has changed the backward state of manual measurement and calculation. 轮对电子测量系统是将电子数显测量技术及微机管理用于轮对测量中,该系统的应用改变了人工测量、计算的落后状态。
The significance of network multi graph display and multi layer management used in visualized power system network software are expounded. 阐述了在图形化的电力系统软件中对网络进行多图显示和分层管理的意义。
Determination of the color display gamuts is the presupposition to convert color space in color management system. 彩色显示器呈色域的确定是彩色管理系统中实现颜色空间转换的前提。
PC implements the tasks of system operation management, editing and compiling of user program, information and status display, database management and input of manual operations. The system management software is compiled using Visual C++. PC机主要用于系统运行管理、用户程序编制、状态信息显示、数据库管理、接受人工操作等,利用VC++编制了系统管理程序;
The large-scale instrumentation equipment resources display scarcity in universities. The investment system, management system, macroscopic plan and sharing mechanism of large-scale instrumentation equipment are unsuitable to the modem property right system. 高校大型仪器设备的资源表现出稀缺性,在投资体制、管理体制、宏观规划、共享机制等方面存在不适应现代产权制度的问题。
The system is developed from Visual Basic, mainly composed of six modules: bus information, system management, display data, rain proof performance test, user management and system help. 该系统是应用VISUALBASIC开发完成的,主要由有客车信息、系统管理、显示数据、防雨密封性能检测、用户管理和系统帮助六大模块组成。
In this article main research government crisis management the function display, bases on Our country Government crisis management reality, the union Wen Chuan earthquake case, in the system analysis government crisis management the function existence insufficiency, has diligently discussed the consummation government function way. 本文主要研究政府危机管理中职能的发挥,立足于我国政府危机管理现实,结合汶川地震案例,系统分析了政府危机管理中职能存在的不足,努力探讨了完善政府职能的途径。
CDU ( Control Display Unit) builds relationship between operator and FMCS ( flight management computer system) as a man-machine interactive component. CDU is an important part of flight simulator and plays an important part in flight. CDU作为人-机交互部件,建立起操作者和飞行管理系统之间的联系,是飞行模拟器的重要组成部分,在飞行中发挥着重要作用。
At the same time, the display devices used in the guidance information management system and pivotal technologies in the system design are also introduced. 同时,介绍导向信息管理系统中用到的显示设备以及系统设计中的关键技术,并对导向信息管理系统设计过程中用的开发平台和软件进行介绍。